Farewell and Evaluation (February 12 - 13, 2018)

During the end of our program, we were busy to complete our evaluation form, self report, and student form. But still, we had to go to the school to properly finish our program. At Monday, I still have the last schedule with ABM Jobs 11 and ICT 11. When I went to the class, the students already prepared a farewell for me. Because of that, I didn't teach as usual, but was enjoying their farewell and take photos together. They were sad that I'll be leaving them soon. Some of them even prepared letters for me.

On Tuesday, Ma'am Agnes comes to collect our reports and other necessities. She also told us to be ready for closing ceremony on the next day. Mr. Armand also told us to prepare some performance as a students from Indonesia. After some discussions, we decided that we'll be presenting Poco-Poco, a tradisional gymnastic from Indonesia. I was in charge for music editing and other technical aspects, meanwhile the others will be the performer. We practiced it until 10 p.m., and hoped that tomorrow we'll be doing fine on stage.


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