DAY 0 (January 21st, 2018)

Kamupta!! Hanif is here. And it was still 2 am. when the bus stopped at the rest area and Mr. Tom allowed us to fill our belly that was empty since before the departure from Jakarta. After ate some of Jollibee with the others, I went back to the bus. There, Mrs. Sally Jarin, our PSU coordinator came and greeted us. After some talks and stuffs, we resumed the journey to PSU Bayambang Campus. It was around 4.30 am. that the bus stopped at PSU Bayambang Campus and I with the other boys were dropped in the accreditation office for temporary lodging. There, I was a roommate with 3 other boys, which are Ahmad Rifki, the calm and religious person from fellow Jambi University student; Muhammad Fakhri Al-Kahfi, the joker and our batch’s chief from Islamic University of Indonesia; and lastly Muhammad Mufti, the hunk from Indonesia University of Education. After reached the bed, all of us were slept like a log until noon.
At around 11 am., I woke up due to Mr. Armand, teacher from PSU Bayambang, came to visit us. He told us to fix ourselves because we’d walk around the Bayambang Town to eat our lunch and buy groceries. We walked together to CSI the Bayambang and ate at McDonald. The McD in here was so crowded, maybe because of the western lifestyle that was adapted by the locals. After that, we bought the daily necessities, like soap, detergent, and razor.

Soon after we came back from shopping, we met with the newly-arrived delegates. They are Ponlawat Promwinai from Chiang Mai Rajabhat University (CMRU), Ilpake Pasca from Padang State University (UNP), and Adrianus Dicky from Lampung University (UNILA). With the arrival of them, the room became more crowded and noisy, but we’ve had much fun talking with each other. At night, we enjoyed the local dish made by Mrs. Aida and some steamed bananas. The local dish is made of ground beef and boiled vegetables.


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Day 7 (January 28th, 2018)

DAY 1 (January 22nd 2018)