Day 9 (January 30th, 2018)

This day will be the day that I started practice teaching in PSU Integrated High School. At 8 a.m., I still had to assist Ms. Bullo during the long quiz in the ABM Jobs class. There, I helped Ms. Bullo distributing the questions sheet and watching the students while they were doing their long quiz. The quiz was a little bit disturbed because the class was bathed in sunlight that make the students feeling uncomfortable. At 9 a.m., the quiz ended and I collected the students' answer sheet.

Afterwards, at 11 a.m., I started my first teaching in ICT 11 class. The topic that I’ll be teaching is Quantum Numbers. I opened my lesson with an introduction from me, and gave some questions. The one who can answer my question will be awarded with Indonesian currency. All the students were excited during my lesson. Afterwards, I continued to explain about the quantum numbers and had a great time teaching, even though the topic is different with my major. At 12 a.m, I finished my class and went back to the faculty room to hear the critics from Ms. Bullo. She said that I’ve done great for my first teaching, but I still need to fix some minor mistakes and follow my lesson plan. After that, I had my trip back home to the dormitory because on the next day I will have 3 schedule for teaching.


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