Day 13 (February 3rd, 2018)

Finally weekend is coming😊
I and the other SEA-TEACHER participant were ready to go but the bus that was supposed to pick us up didn't come until 8 a.m. They said that the bus came late because it had to pick up the other SEA-TVET from Lingayen, Urdaneta, and San Carlos. Because of that, we had to reschedule our destination.
The trip to Bolinao took about 3 hours. When we arrived there, we didn't head directly to the beach. Instead, we visited the Mangrove nursery there. During the trip there, I volunteered myself to plant the mangroves but sadly I got my feet slashed by the rocks and seashells in the shore. Fortunately, there was a medic in our group so I got a first aid to my wound. After that, we listened to the official's presentation about mangrove nursery and had a lunch there.

At long last, we arrived at Patar beach. The beach is so pretty with the sky-blue clear water and its white sand. I played around the shore and burried Mufti in the sand with the others. I also joined with the fellow participants from SEA-TVET. Lastly, all of us took a group photo under the Indonesian fag. That was so cool!!

Finally, our time at the beach was up. We washed ourselves and got back to the bus. Because it's already afternoon, the trip to Hundred Island was cancelled due to the high tides. But we still heades there for dinner and bought some souvenirs. After some long trip back, we finally reached our dormitory at around 11 p.m. and headed to the bed.


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DAY 0 (January 21st, 2018)

Day 7 (January 28th, 2018)

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