3rd week (February 4 - 9, 2018)

After the long trip to Bolinao and Alaminos, my body felt so tired in the next morning. The Sunday was the day for rest and prepare for the next week teaching. As usual, we still need to finish our Lesson Plan, because we need to submit our LP for every time we have the teaching schedule. During this time, all of us has become a big family there, including our friends from Thai: First, Ton, and Kie. We share our happy, sad, and struggle together during our program.

In the weekdays, I still have 2 times daily schedule of teaching, and an extra 1 schedule on Wednesday. As usual, we still had to attend Monday's flag ceremony. For this week, the students from ICT 11 and ABM Jobs were open to me and some of them already exchange contact with me through the FB Messenger. And so far, Ms. Bullo didn't see any problem with me and my way of teaching the class. The challenge comes when I teach Grade 10 for Biology. Because I'm not used to teach Junior level, I thought that my lesson is a bit to difficult for them to understand but Mr. Rosario said it's still okay.

On Friday afternoon, all of us was asked to come to the Faculty Room by the Principal. At first, we thought that it will be some trouble or anything, but what we got there is a graduation ceremony for us as student-teachers. The principal and our supervising instructors awarded each of us a medal, as a sign of completion for our teaching program. We were really happy and asked each of them a group photo. It was a bit sad, because we realized that our time there will be over soon.


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Day 7 (January 28th, 2018)

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